
An overview of the Kiva US borrower process.

The Kiva US Borrower Process

Apply for a Loan

Take 30 minutes - 1 hour to complete your application here.

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This is the journey of a Kiva US borrower. Click the photos/links below to learn more about each step!

Await Review

Kiva US conducts social underwriting and a holistic review of diverse criteria.

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Kiva Fundraising

Get support from your own network as well as Kiva lenders around the world.

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Await Disbursal

Complete fundraising and receive all funds in your PayPal account within 7 business days.

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Repaying your Loan

1 month after receiving your loan, start repaying your lender community.

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After repaying, apply for another (and potentially larger) loan!

Fundraising a microLOAN (your lenders will get repaid – you will make the 1st repayment to your lenders exactly 1 month after receiving the loan & each month following).

All or nothing (aka, you must complete the 2 stages of Kiva fundraising — private & public fundraising — and fully fund in order to receive your loan

Engaging your network to gain fundraising momentum
— make sure you spread the word, share your custom loan campaign link, and reference some great
resources and templates available on our site!

What crowdfunding a loan with Kiva IS:

Asking for donations

Receiving part of the loan if you don’t raise 100% of the loan during the fundraising period.

Sitting back and waiting for your loan to fund.

What crowdfunding a loan with Kiva is NOT:

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