Your Borrower Story

The way you tell your story can make all the difference.

 Your personal story is a crucial aspect of your application. To help you with this section we've put together the following guide.

At Kiva, we emphasize the personal side of businesses and borrowers. For that reason, we ask for a personal story so that we and the lenders can get to know you. This section should be about 2 paragraphs and show who you are as a person and why you are passionate about what you are doing. Talk about your interests, what motivates you, and what has shaped you as a person. Highlight your future goals and dreams, what led you to start this business, and your entrepreneurial spirit and determination. Don’t be impersonal or too formal. Try to add some flair, and tell us how you and your business are unique and interesting!

Your personal story is where the lenders get to know you. Use two paragraphs to give lenders background on your story and your goals. Help them understand what has shaped you and led you to start this business.

You can think about these questions to help write your story:

  1. Where did you grow up? What was it like?

  2. Is there an instance from the past that demonstrates your entrepreneurial spirit?

  3. Where are you today?

  4. What are your dreams for the future?



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  • Illustrates their background and includes how their relationship history relates to their business

  • Includes information about how their business has been able to give back to their community

  • Explains why they love what they are doing



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  • No background story/timeline on the borrower

  • No “how” or “why” their background inspired them to develop this business

  • Impersonal

  • The lender does not get an accurate idea of who this person is

  • No future goals